Deliver better outcomes for your communities.

Close the feedback loop between what citizens need and what government provides.

should you choose to accept it...

Our Mission

To solve the toughest challenges of our generation by governing with civic wisdom

This next evolution of governance has arrived. 

At Civic Wisdom, we share real-world examples that illustrate the benefits of data-based approach to policy planning and implementation.

There are 3 particular developments we're following:

  • Agile Government Frameworks: We document the efforts of a new generation of public servants who are reshaping a more responsive government.

  • Data For Public Policy Planning: We bring innovative approaches to light that help leaders make better decisions for their people.

  • Evolution of the Evidence Act: We track the efforts of those behind this historic legislation to build data-driven cultures in our federal agencies.

Civic Wisdom Principles

Prioritize citizen needs.

Identify the top priorities that matter most to your citizens.

Involve the people that matter.

Align your stakeholders on common goals and collaborate on solutions.

Design for the real world.

Design practical policies and programs, based on the real world needs of your citizens.

Track progress.

Track key indicators to know if you're trending in the right direction.

Evaluate progress.

Generate insights from policy and program performance.

Share and learn from each other.

Accelerate and scale what works by learning from peer organizations.

Our Story

Civic Wisdom originated as a concept during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Watch the first public talk from our founder, Dr. Shannon Arvizu, at the Ignite In Place event on May 5, 2020.
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Our Founder

Introducing Dr. Shannon Arvizu

Dr. Arvizu is a sociologist and educator who applies evidence-based insights to drive change that moves our society forward.

Dr. Arvizu (who is also the founder of Epic Teams), started Civic Wisdom to inspire governmental entities to adopt tried and true practices for continuous improvement so they better meet the needs of their citizens.

She believes that “democracy must be reborn in each generation” and is committed to help the next wave of civil servants evolve our institutions towards greater effectiveness.

Over the last two years, she has had the opportunity to work as a Georgetown Public Service Fellow. In this position, she teaches an educational salon series called "Civic Entrepreneurship" to McCourt Public Policy M.A. students.

She also currently serves as a Senior Advisor for Data Strategy to the Chief Data Officer at the U.S. Department of Commerce

Learn more about Dr. Shannon Arvizu here.

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